One Man's Trash

Started by Alexander Duggan at Jun 14, 2020 12:06 pm
73 Posts

Alexander Duggan

37 Posts

Down in the forest, with the devil in me, I remember the looks on their faces, through the sycamore trees

AJ traded his rabbits for some much sought after coffee. It wasn't a lot, but the stuff was like gold in Bosler, so he was surprised by how much he'd gotten in the first place. He considered trading the coffee for cigarettes, but he decided to satisfy one vice before the other. He made his way over to Lily and gave her another small smile, giving a nod to the other guards.For reply to her question, AJ held up the small bag of coffee. "I still can't believe it, to tell you the truth."

Eve Edwards

36 Posts

"I find it funny that you think I care..."

"Oh nice they must of wanted the meat to trade that out" she could smell the coffee through the bag "It smells good I wonder... hmm I wonder if there are any old settlements that haven't been found yet..." she rubbed her chin before shaking her head and heading out the gate with AJ "Sooo do you not hang around town much either or just certain times of the day?" She looked up at him smiling "Are you a lone wolf as well?"

Alexander Duggan

37 Posts

Down in the forest, with the devil in me, I remember the looks on their faces, through the sycamore trees

"Mmm." AJ looked down at the little bag of coffee before stuffing it into his pocket. He still thought they'd been a rather pathetic bunch of rabbits, but perhaps Lily had a point. Other settlements? "Not for miles." He replied with a slight frown. He'd been out and about quite a lot over the years, and the only places even remotely close to Bosler were quite a ways away. "I ain't seen many as established as Bosler though..." He knew there were some pretty big communities out there, but he hadn't seen them personally. He shrugged at her next question. "Depends. I'm not really a people person." He looked out around them. "I'm happier out there." He gestured with his elbow, having buried his hands in his pockets. "What about you?"

Eve Edwards

36 Posts

"I find it funny that you think I care..."

She shrugged her shoulders "Often feels like I don't fit in here and for the most part I tend to keep to myself, I don't mind company just at times I don't know I don't naturally go looking for it... my last companion I had said we are normally born alone so we die alone..." she looked away "It's something I keep saying to myself... kind of morbid I guess but I feel it'll make me less sad than normal when the time comes..." she looked at him "Sorry I didn't mean for it to take a turn like that... however after having spent some time with you in the junk yard even though there wasn't much of conversation, I did really enjoy another's presence" 

Alexander Duggan

37 Posts

Down in the forest, with the devil in me, I remember the looks on their faces, through the sycamore trees

AJ nodded. He very much felt the same way. Though he knew he wasn't the only one. "I'd rather be alone a lot of the time too." There were very few people in Bosler he felt comfortable around. Even fewer he could happily open up to. In fact, he could definitely count those people on one hand. He had to agree with Lily's former companion. He never used to think that way, but as the years had progressed it just repeatedly proved itself to be true. "I get that..." He chuckled and gave her a gentle nudge. "Don't worry about it. I ain't the most cheerful of bastards."

Eve Edwards

36 Posts

"I find it funny that you think I care..."

"I often think it's hard to be constantly cheerful during this time, like at times what does one have to be happy about? But then I tell myself if I want to be happy that happiness is a choice ya know like I can chose to be happy or be miserable..." she smiled when he nudged her a bit "So your project... you still looking for screws this time or looking for something else? If you find any glass bottles that aren't broken push them off to the side for me though... always looking for glass bottles..."

Alexander Duggan

37 Posts

Down in the forest, with the devil in me, I remember the looks on their faces, through the sycamore trees

"Mmm." AJ couldn't but agree. He hadn't known anything other than the time period they were living in. Not really. "There are a lot of things to be happy about, though..." Little thing especially were what he was thinking of. He greatly enjoyed watching the sunrise or the sunset. It helped him stay grounded and remember that there was always a chance for change. "I might leave it alone for a while. I've got other things to be doin' after all." He shrugged. He was always tinkering with something. "Glass bottles, hm? I've built up quite the collection myself. You're welcome to take some, though."

Eve Edwards

36 Posts

"I find it funny that you think I care..."

"Ah well I guess I'll have to visit to see whatcha have, and maybe you could show me other projects you might have going on  if you don't mind" she smiled.

the rest of the walk was in silence minus the sounds going on around them, when they had reached it, they pushed open the gates and closed it behind them to avoid anyone or anything sneaking in behind them.

"So... do you want to talk about anything or do you want to look through in silence? Either is fine with me... I don't mind playing 20 questions either..."

Alexander Duggan

37 Posts

Down in the forest, with the devil in me, I remember the looks on their faces, through the sycamore trees

AJ nodded, squinting off into the distance like he always did. His wife hadn't been all that chatty either, so they'd settled in to one another pretty quickly. As a result, he didn't have the first clue on how to really talk to women. Men were fine, considering he was one. His projects weren't even that interesting. He couldn't remember how many times he'd fallen asleep while trying to work on them. He just liked tinkering with things. Any excuse to distract himself from everything that had happened.

When they arrived at the scrap yard, he did his customary scan of the immediate area before he pulled his glasses out of his pocket. He chuckled at Lily's comment. "Got a topic in mind?" He set his glasses on the end of his nose, then shrugged. "Twen'y ques'ions is fine by me."

Eve Edwards

36 Posts

"I find it funny that you think I care..."

"Then I'll start..." she started looking through the piles before she started asking basic questions "What where you doing before you came here?" She pushed aside some glass into an empty tub and continued on "Are you like the other men in town?" She looked up at him "I mean I'm only asking so I know where to not cross any boundaries and make things awkward or uncomfortable... because that's the last thing I'd ever want to do to someone..." she looked down Embarrassed she asked and started pushing things around with her hand