One Man's Trash

Started by Alexander Duggan at Jun 14, 2020 12:06 pm
73 Posts

Alexander Duggan

37 Posts

Down in the forest, with the devil in me, I remember the looks on their faces, through the sycamore trees

The scrap pile was one of AJ's least favourite places to go. Sure, it provided him with a decent amount of alone time to mull things over and do some deep thinking, but at the same time he had to keep his wits about him. If he moved the wrong thing he risked causing an avalanche that would bury him alive, and he didn't much fancy going out that way. Going down in a blaze of glory would have been much more appropriate.

He wasn't looking for anything in particular, more wanting to spend some down time doing a bit of tinkering. He'd been working on a car for a while - it had been so much slower than slow progress, he wasn't entirely sure why he'd been bothering in the first place. Still! It kept him out of trouble when he had no raids to take part in, which was the main thing. He'd had some idea of kitting it out and making it a place for him to live, seeing as he hated sleeping with so many other people.

He selected a pile of junk to start looking through and crouched down to begin. He worked methodically, taking the pair of glasses he'd cobbled together out of his pocket and setting them on his nose. The glasses were made of three different pairs, and they weren't exactly right, but they made looking at smaller and more detailed things a lot easier.

Eve Edwards

36 Posts

"I find it funny that you think I care..."

She stood up, pushing her hands on her lower back making it pop. Eve had been bent over most of the morning looking through the piles of scrap for things she could make use of. 


Looking around she let out a small groan before moving onto the next pile. She held up a few glass bottles up to the light to see for any imperfections before placing them into her bag. 


Reaching the next pile she felt her stomach tighten and grumble "Ugh" looking up at the direction of the sun she figured she should sit down and eat something before her sugar got low and then have another black out moment, something she would like to avoid completely.


Glancing around she started moving things out of the way, also while looking at said pieces, before making an area to sit down and have something to snack on. 

Alexander Duggan

37 Posts

Down in the forest, with the devil in me, I remember the looks on their faces, through the sycamore trees

AJ grumbled to himself as he rifled through another little pile of screws and various other odds and ends. None of them were the particular shape or size he was looking for, so he kept looking at them, then tossing them to one side. Eventually, however, he admitted defeat with that pile and removed his glasses, using the back of his hand to wipe his forehead before placing the glasses back on his nose. It was then that he noticed he wasn't entirely as alone as he'd thought he was. It never really hurt to be polite. "Afternoon." He grumbled, peering at the woman over the frame of his glasses before he set to rooting through for things again.

What he really needed was to rip apart a few other cars and scrounge bits from them, but most of the other cars were just giant rust buckets, so he doubted they would be of much use. No, the scrap yard was a much better place to look for stuff. He just had to get lucky for once.

Eve Edwards

36 Posts

"I find it funny that you think I care..."

Eve started rummaging through her bag and pulled a few pieces of jerky out along with a bottle of water. Closing her eyes as she started to rip the jerky into pieces, becoming lost in thought.

Her eyes flew open as she heard someone speaking to her, she thought she heard something earlier but marked it off as trash rats, not someone else. 

Nodding as she took a sip from her bottle "Afternoon.. I must say I'm kind of surprised to see someone else here at this time of the day..." she took another bite of jerky, her eyes watching him closely

Alexander Duggan

37 Posts

Down in the forest, with the devil in me, I remember the looks on their faces, through the sycamore trees

He didn't look up when she spoke to him again, other than to glance at her when she spoke. AJ wasn't much for maintaining eye contact while in conversation. It made him nervous. He shrugged at her comment. "I needed something to do that wasn't walking round in circles. Or waiting for another bunch of us to go out looking for a whole load of nothing." Other than that new guy that they stumbled across a week or so ago, nothing much had happened. Things were calm, weirdly. "Bit of an odd place to places for lunch." He nodded at the jerky in her hands, watching her for as long as it took to get a response.

Eve Edwards

36 Posts

"I find it funny that you think I care..."

Smiling "I suppose it would be odd if I randomly came out here to have something to eat but alas... I've been here since morning and skipped breakfast so I was kinda hungry..." as she finished up the last piece she stood up stretching again "Also didn't feel like blacking out and someone coming across me thinking I was dead or some shit" she shrugged and started walking away from the current pile to another one "If I may ask what you're looking for? I could help look..."

Alexander Duggan

37 Posts

Down in the forest, with the devil in me, I remember the looks on their faces, through the sycamore trees

"Ah, right." AJ grunted, stopping what he was doing for a moment so he could pay a little more attention. He looked away when the woman stretched, frowning down at the odds and ends at his fingertips. "I'd like to think they'd investigate first." Then again, with some of the people living in Bosler, he wouldn't be surprised. He looked through some more bolts and screws before moving on to another pile. "I'm looking for a very particular screw. I'm not expecting to find it, but..." He shrugged. "What about you? What're you looking for?"

Eve Edwards

36 Posts

"I find it funny that you think I care..."

Nodding "I mean some do and some don't check but I would rather not take that chance of having someone who doesn't check or well more so who doesn't care either way and do who knows what" she moved down beside him "What kind of screw? For Wood? Metal? Machine?... Flat head? Round? Hexagon? One with washers one without?" She looked around, her eyes squinting from the sun "I'm not looking for anything specifically, more or less items that can be used to fix some things in town... and stuff that I can hopefully trade with.." she rested her hands on her hips before turning around and looking through the pile in front of her "Though sometimes I do feel that this area is somewhat picked clean of random items"

Alexander Duggan

37 Posts

Down in the forest, with the devil in me, I remember the looks on their faces, through the sycamore trees

"You've got a fair point there, miss." AJ had to agree. It would be much better being found by someone who cared than someone who didn't. He wouldn't mind either way, though; if it was his time, dying in a scrap yard would be pretty fitting. He frowned some more when she moved beside him. "For a car." He didn't have the first clue about cars really, but he'd memorised what the end of the broken screw looked like. "I'll know it when I see it." He gave a nod of understanding when the woman explained why she was there. It made sense. "There's usually some pretty good stuff here, but, might be right." He rolled back onto his heels and squinted up at the sky, then looked at the woman. "I'm AJ, by the way."

Eve Edwards

36 Posts

"I find it funny that you think I care..."

"For a car? Hmm" she started rubbing her chin "That narrows it down a bit, do you know what shape the head looked like? Any special markings? Length of the screw itself?" Eve moved some pieces of scrap with her foot "Apologies for all the questions, but it helps me a bit to know what to look for exactly, I mean more so since you're the one who knows what it looks like" she gave off a small shrug before bending down and looking through the pile once more "Nice to meet you AJ" she held her hand out "I'm Eve or Lily... most call me Lily though, some get very weird with the name Eve"