I'm gonna go until I hit the floor. Can't find a way back to my feet anymore.
Depending on when and how you meet him, Ryan can seem like two entirely different people. If he's intoxicated, or extremely comfortable in his environment (which really only happens at work), he is loud, rambunctious, and perpetually causing trouble by playing pranks or getting into light-hearted arguments. He isn't afraid to speak his mind, and will usually be pretty friendly with almost everyone around him. Though he can be somewhat combative at times, he doesn't have much of a temper, and can usually be calmed pretty easily by taking a step back from the situation upsetting him.
With sobriety, however, comes extreme anxiety. He withdraws into himself, becoming quiet and incredibly reserved, seeming detached. Strangely, that anxiety also makes him more aggressive, and he has been known to outright attack people while in the middle of a panic attack.
Regardless of intoxication level, he also has a tendency toward self-destruction, though it seems to come and go in cycles. When he gets bad, he is prone to acting on the ever-present suicidal impulses and thoughts, and will deliberately harm himself in any way he can. He will push people away, shut them out, and hurt those he cares about most. When he comes out of these depressive periods, however, he will try to make it up to those he's hurt, and show that he genuinely does care, usually through small, quiet gestures.
Bryce Gavagan: Bryce is his best friend, and arguably the fire to his water. He is also the only person that Ryan trusts with his life, and sees him as something of a brother.
Bronwyn Colby: Bronwyn is something of a surrogate mother to him, and the only person outside of Bryce that he genuinely trusts.
Ryan is autistic, and has a pet husky named Shiloh that he takes everywhere with him.