Minor Info Tweaks

May 19, 2020 2:33 am

Twisting the site's knobs and tightening the dials

Don't panic! Nothing has been changed! We've just moved some information around a little, based on member feedback/questions, so its hopefully easier to find the information you want and added an FAQ page. There's also a new option for occupation claims, the Dependent, and after some careful consideration have tentatively decided to lift the restriction on characters under 18 with the caveat that we will not be permitting these characters in any Mature thread. If this becomes an issue, we will once again not be allowing any new characters under 18 on the site. We've also better-defined threads that need to be marked with the Mature Content option in the rules as any thread containing content that would receive higher than a PG13 rating. Over the coming weeks, we may further refine our lore/information pages, and we will let you all know if anything changes.